Sea turtle conservation on Zakynthos

Sea turtle conservation on Zakynthos


Sea turtle conservation in Zakynthos began in the late 70’s with the discovery of the nesting beaches. ARCHELON, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece, has been monitoring the reproductive activity of the Zakynthos’ loggerhead population since 1984, with a daily and night presence on the island from May till October every year. Apart from Zakynthos, ARCHELON carries over sea turtle protection projects in the Peloponnese and Crete, as well as treating sick and injured turtles at the Rescue Centre in Glyfada, Attica.


MEDASSET has been lobbying for increased protection measures in Zakynthos. With roots back to 1983, MEDASSET was founded in 1988 in England and in 1993 in Greece, having as its core mission to contribute to the conservation and protection of sea turtles in their natural habitats throughout the Mediterranean.

Campaigns from these organisations and others led to the establishment of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos in 1999.